Saturday 18 May 2013

Umbridge Cat Plates

Umbridge Cat Plates

These are cute hangings for your room, or in the house.  They give that cute, but scary Umbridge feel.  Make lots, and cover your whole wall!
Materials Needed:

-Plate ( I used a broken china plate that I glued back together)
-Printed cat picture that is big enough to fit in the inner circle of your plate ( it is cute if you use an actual picture of your cat)
-Hot glue + Glue gun
-Compas (to trace circles)
-X-acto knife
-Glue stick

1.  Trace a circle with a compas that is the same size as the inside circle of your plate.  Cut it out.  put glue on one side of the cardboard circle.  Place it onto the back of your cat picture.  X-acto knife off the edges of the paper.

2.  Hot glue the cardboard cat picture onto the inner circle of the plate.

3.  Paint a floral design around the border, and voila!

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