Saturday 17 August 2013

Mandrake Teddie Bears

Mandrake Teddie Bears

I saw a version of these on the internet, but thought that they were a little bit to complicated for my limited sewing skills, and for the kids that I wanted to make them with.  I ended up making these for two 8 year olds, and they had a blast! All I had to help with was the sewing of the legs, and arms.

Materials Needed:

-2 tall brown men's socks (I found my at the Dollar Store)

-Brown thread
-Sewing needle
-Black sharpie
-Paper leaves
-Hot glue + Glue gun
-Ceramic pot

1.  Cut a slit down the front of one sock, until it reaches just before the heel of the sock.   Make sure you check which way you are cutting.  You want the heel of the sock to be the bum, so check to make sure that it is positioned in the back, and not the side.

2.  Turn the sock inside out, and sew closed the openings that you cut. Turn the sock right side out.

3.  Grab the other sock.  Cut it in half, the opposite way that you cut the legs.  Decide how long you want the arms to be, and cut the halves to that size.

4.  Turn the arms inside out.  Sew the sides shut, but leave the top open for stuffing.  Turn the arms right side out.

5.  Stuff the arms.  Make sure you leave about a finger's width at the top.

6.  Grab the sock that has the two legs.  Decide where you would like the arms to be.  Make sure that you remember that you still need space for the head.  Cut two slits to indicate where you want the arms to be.

7.  Stick one of the arms, into one of the slits.  Stick your hand inside of the sock, and grab the end of the arm, that has gone through the slit.  While still holding on to the arm, turn the sock inside out.

8.  Sew along the slit, and the arm.  This will attach the arm to the body.  Make sure that you sew up the entire area of the slit, while still connecting the arm. Turn the sock right side out.

9.  Repeat steps 6-8 with the other arm.

10.  Stuff the body.  Make sure you only stuff until the top of the arms.

11.  Wrap some string where you stopped stuffing.  Tie it to keep it in place.

12.  Stuff above the wrapped string.  Make sure that you leave room for wrapping more string, and for some tufts at the top of the head.

13.  Wrap some string, like in step 11, above the stuffed head.

14.  With a Sharpie, draw on the Mandrake's face.

15.  Cut the fabric above the head in strips.  Hot glue on strips of the paper leaves onto some of the tufts.

16.  Stick your Mandrake into the ceramic pot.  Voila!

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