Wednesday 20 March 2013

Mandrake Elixir and Boomslang Skin

Mandrake Elixir and Boomslang Skin

Mandrake Elixir and Boomslang Skin are two often used potion ingredients used in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  In this post, I will show you how to make these simple additions to your collection.

Materials Needed:

-2 clean glass bottles (I used some of my old calligraphy bottles)
-Homemade, printed, or bought Boomslang Skin label
-Homemade, printed, or bought Mandrake Elixir label
-Hot glue + Glue gun
-Green food colouring 
-1 Strip of Fabric (colour of your choice)
-Brown Crayola Marker

1.  Glue on your Labels to the bottles (my labels were stickers, so no need for that).  Set aside.

2.  Draw a snake skin pattern on your fabric with your  Crayola marker.  Cut around your pattern (see picture below).

3.  Cut the Fabric into 2, and place inside your bottle.

4.  Open up your Mandrake Elixir bottle.  Fill half of the bottle with water, and add food colouring drops until the desired green, and voila!

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