Wednesday 13 March 2013

Skiving Snackbox

Skiving Snackbox

Unfortunately, when I made this Skiving Snackbox, I did not take any precise pictures.  So, this instructory may be a bit difficult, and I am not sure if it will make much sense.  But then again, I made mine just by looking a a picture... So I think you will get the basic idea.

Materials Needed

-A large cube shaped cereal box
-Lots of spare cardboard from old cereal boxes
-A printer
-Orange, Blue, Green, Purple, Red, PInk, Yellow and Turquoise paint
-Hot glue + Glue gun

1.  Cut the box open so that it looks like the picture below.


2.  Paint one of the sides completely orange.  Once dry, paint the Weasley logo in pink on each section.

3.  Flip the side that you have not painted up.  Following the numbers beside the box template, paint square number 1 orange, square number 2 turquoise on the top half orange on the bottom half, square 3 purple, square 4 blue on the top half turquoise on the bottom half, square 5 yellow, and finally square 6 green.  Follow the pictures above and below if you have trouble with the colours.  Set aside and let dry.

4.  Mesure your box, and cut out five pieces for all four of the boxes to hold the snacks.  Paint one side of each of the pieces yellow, and let dry.  Glue together the pieces to make a box with no lid.  After all the boxes are dry, glue them to the painted box so that it looks like the picture below. (ignore anything else that is there that you have not been told to do yet)

5.  Print out labels for each of the candies, and glue them on like the picture above.  Finally paint on the Skiving Snackbox label like the picture below.

6.  Let everything dry, and voila!

You can add tissue paper to each box, and make your own Skiving Snackbox snacks to add that extra touch.