Sunday 2 June 2013

Platform 9 3/4 Sign

Platform 9 3/4 Sign

Platform 9 3/4 signs are an essential for any Harry Potter collection.  Whether you hang it over you collection, hang it on your door, or use it as home decor, they please everyone.  Hope you enjoy!

Materials Needed:

-Wooden sign (you can often find them at the dollar store)
-Dark red paint (almost brick coloured)
-Copper paint (you can also use just red paint if you do not have any copper)
-Compass (to trace circles)
-Gold paint

1.  Paint your wooden sign dark red.  You can paint it normally with a paint brush, but I found a cool technique that makes the paint look really good.  What I ended up doing was to put a glob of paint onto the sign, and tilt the sign in different directions so that the paint would slide down, and cover the surface.  Let dry.

2.  Paint the edges copper. Let dry.

3.  Trace a circle in the middle of the sign.  Choose the size of your preference.  Paint the inside of the circle with gold paint.  You can paint it normally with a paintbrush, but I used the same technique that I used for painting the red.  It's harder to do this with that technique, so I wouldn't suggest using it if you do not understand it fully.  Let dry.

4.  With your black paint, trace around the gold circle.  Then, paint in the middle of the circle, 9 3/4.  Let dry and voila!

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