Wednesday 6 March 2013

Horcrux Locket Note

Horcrux Locket Note

I have recently purchased a Horcrux Locket from Chapters.  I love it!  But unfortunately it does not come with a note.  The rights to these sites and videos, belong to the original owners, but i would like to show you them.

1. Go to the link for the Horcrux note by clicking these underlined words

2.  Print out the note in a small size (this may take a couple tries to get it right).  I also find that in the video that i am about to show you, it calls for the note to be exactly a square.  So, I adjusted it on Microsoft Word to do so.  

3.  Go to and watch to learn how to fold the note, or just simply watch the video below.

If you buy the locket from Chapters,  it completes the project.

If you have any problems or feedback about this post, or any other posts, please comment.