Thursday 7 March 2013

MadEye Moody Eye

MadEye Moody Eye

MadEye Moody Eyes usually get a good reaction from guests when they see it.  this is a pretty simple, fun idea that I got from a lady on Youtube.  Just go to to see the original video, but i will give you a quick summary here if you would like.

Materials Needed:

-A leather purse with long straps (second hand shops are a place place to get these)
-A bottle cap
-A plastic ball (the video calls for a ping pong ball, but i just used a Squinkies container from my little sister)(I have also heard that you can find a fake plastic eye with the iris already painted on at ebay)
-White paint
-Blue paint
-Gold paint
-Hot glue + Glue gun
-Scissors/X-acto knife

1.  On a piece of the leather purse, trace you bottle cap.  Cut off a decent length of the strap of the purse.  Place each end of the strap by the edge of your circle so that it would be quarter to three on a clock.  Place the bottle cap in it's original position, and trace the straps, and where the straps meet the bottle cap.  Remove the straps and bottle cap.

2.  Cut out the outline that you have traced of the bottle cap and straps, and trim the ends of the strap, so that it matches the line you traced from the bottle cap.  Set aside.

3.  With some scissors or an X-acto knife, cut out a fairly large circle out of the cap.  Paint the remaining cap gold.  Grab your plastic ball, and give it a quick coat of white paint.  then paint on the iris and pupil in the style and direction of your choice.  (if you have a plastic eye with the iris and all on it already, then skip painting the ball).

4.  Grab your "eye", and place it in the back of the cap.  When you get it in the right position, hot glue it in place.  Glue the cap and eye onto the recently cut piece of leather.  Try to fit it into the "circle" part of the cut out.  Now, glue the straps into the outlines that you traced, and voila!

I am sorry that my description is not so easy to follow, again, if you watch the original video, it is a little easier to understand.