Sunday 17 March 2013

Wizarding Wand Stands

Wizarding Wand Stands

You're going to have to twist your head to see this one properly, unfortunately, I took it in portrait style, but the computer won't turn it.

These wand stands are perfect for saving space in your Harry Potter collection.  You can add as many holes as you would like in your's, but make sure you get a longer "stick".

Materials Needed:

-2 wooden "sticks" (see pictures) with the height of your choice
-2 wooden dowels (like the ones you used for the Wizarding Wands)
-Dark brown spray paint or wood stain
-30 hooks (see picture below)
-Super Glue

1.  Spray paint or Stain all of your wood pieces brown.  Let dry.

2.  Make sure that both your dowels are the same length.  If so, place them about three inches down from each end of the "sticks" (see picture above and below).  Once placed, super glue them in place.

3.  Drill 15 tiny holes into each "stick", so that it is easier to screw the hooks in.  Once you have drilled the holes, screw a hook into each hole, and voila!

I nailed mine into the wall, and then hung my wands on it (see picture at the top).