Friday 7 June 2013

Quidditch Broomstick

Quidditch Broomstick

I have been looking online for a very longtime to find a good homemade broomstick, this has proved more difficult than I thought.  I found many good ideas, and techniques in making them, but failed to find any replicas that had a good looking final product.  This is my version of the Quidditch Broomstick, that consists of various techniques from other brooms, or that I have created myself.  Hope you enjoy it!

Materials Needed:

-1 long tree branch
-Wood stain (color of your choice)
-Potato peeler
-Paper towel ( to put on the stain )
-Elastic bands
-2-3 beach towels ( use some old ones from the house, or buy them from the dollar store )
-Hay (fine not thick)
-Spray adhesive 

1.  Pick up your long stick.  This will become the handle / body of the broom.  Start by stripping off the bark of the branch with the potato peeler.  I left some of the darker inner bark on.  This creates a cool look when you stain the branch.  Make sure that you get off all of the rough, outer bark though.

2.  Stain the de-barked branch with wood stain.  Let dry.

3.  Decide how long you want the broom part of your broom to be.  Trace a faint line with a pencil where it should end.  

4.  Tear the beach towels into approximately 5 inch wide strips.  Wrap the strips of towel where the broom part is going to be.  With the elastic bands, tie the strips of towel in place.  While you wrap the towel strips where the broom part of your broom is going to be, shape it as a Harry Potter broom is shaped (see pictures for details).

5.  Grab a hunk of hay.  place it juste above the top edge of the towels.  With a strand of twine, wrap the top of the hay.  Then, follow the hay down to the bottom, and with another strand of twine, tie the bottom.  Continue to do this until the towels are covered.

6.  Bring the broom to a place where you do not mind it to get messy.  With the spray adhesive, coat a thick layer of glue onto the hay.  This will ensure that it stays in place, and that the hay does not fall off, it also makes it look really good.  Do not worry about the stubborn pieces that refuse to stick down.  We will worry about those later.

7.  Once the spray glue has dried, Clip of the pieces that refused to stay down, to give the broom a clean look.

8.  Clip off the ends of the broom with some scissors so that they are all even. Wrap a thicker coat of twine onto the top and bottom of the broom.

9.  I have yet to figure out how to make the foot rests, but if any of you have any ideas, I would gladly like to hear.  When I figure it out, I will update the post.  Voila!

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