Friday 21 June 2013

Philosopher's Stone

Philosopher's stone

I have been looking forever for a Philosopher's Stone replica, that actually worked without spending a fortune.  I came up with this one while I was making some paper crafts.  I just look at the gems and thought "Hey! This might work!".  I have another version of the Philosopher's Stone in the making, but unfortunately, I can not find the materials necessary at the moment. I should have it on in next couple month.

Materials Needed:

-Paper + Printer
-Cardstock paper
-Red paint
-Black paint
-Pearl or white paint
-X-Acto knife
-Fine fireplace ashes

1.  If you have not already, print out the Paper Gems by clicking here.  You can pick which ever gem you want, but I think that gem 2 looks the best, that is also the one that I will be using throughout the tutorial.  

3.Grab a piece of Cardstock paper.  Paint one side of it red.  Let dry.  A cool way to dry paint that I figured out is to put it in the microwave.  Just make sure to check it every 10 seconds.

4.  Cut around the outside of the pieces of your gem template.  If you are using gem 2, you have to out around template 2a, 2b, and 2c.  This applies to most of the gems.  Glue the cut out templates onto the back of your painted cardstock.

5.  Now is time to make your Paper Gem.  First, cut out your templates that have been glued to the painted cardstock.  Then fold on the dotted lines. Then, glue the tabs to the edges, and connect the different parts if you have any.  For more instructions go to

 6.  Paint any areas red that show white.  Your gem should look something like this.

7.  Mix lots of black paint with a smudge of white or pearl.  With a paintbrush, dab large amounts of your black mixture paint onto the bottom of your gem.  Hold the gem upside down once you put all your black paint on for a bit, so the it drips.

8.  Once you have let the paint drip a bit, roll the paint covered gem in fireplace ashes.  With a damp piece of cloth, dab the red part so that most of the ashes come off.

9.  Let dry and voila!

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