Thursday 25 July 2013

Yule Ball Inspired Snowflakes

Yule Ball Inspired Snowflakes

Strangely, I thought of these snowflakes at IKEA.  I found a box of spare screws and parts in the "AS IS" section.  It said that a bag of screws and parts (the bag has to be the plastic bags near the box) was 1$! This meant that you could fill up the bag up to the top, and  still only pay 1$!  So I bought a bag of screws (and got a few bad looks from customers), and did this craft.  These snowflakes can not be found in the movies, but they reminded me of the Yule Ball, so I thought you guys should enjoy them too.

Materials Needed:

-Some screws in various lengths (read description under top picture for how I got mine)
-Some "wheels" (at least that's what they are, I found them in the screw box that I talked about above) (see pictures for details)
-Hot glue + Glue gun

1.  Hot glue one of your longest screws in the middle of one "wheel".  This is the stand.

2.  Start by drawing out a design in your head, or on a piece of paper.

3.  Complete your design by hot glueing the screws onto the circumference of the "wheel, and onto the other screws.  See my examples for ideas.  Voila!

Please leave some feedback.

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