Sunday 28 April 2013

Monster Book of Monsters

Monster Book of Monsters

Homemade Monster Book of Monsters vary between the crafter.  I think that they are awesome addition to your collection, and cost a fraction of the price of a store bought one.  Here's my version of the Monster Book of Monsters...

Materials Needed:

-An old book (second hand stores are the best place to go)
-A faux leather purse strap (again, you can get them at second hand stores for about 2$)
-A large pack of brown coloured feathers
-White paper
-Googley Eyes
-Gold and Red paint
-Hot glue + Glue gun

1.  Glue on your feathers in rows (see picture below).  Once you have covered the cover of the book, just do the edge of the back.

2.  Glue on the Googley Eyes (two larger one in the middle, two smaller on the sides), and paint in Gold, The Monster Book of Monsters, Along the front.

3.  Glue a strip of the purse strap onto the spine of the book.  You can also cover it in feathers, but i didn't have the time.  On a smaller piece of the strap, Cut out a "V" shape out of one end.  Paint Red.  After that piece is dry, glue it into one page of the book.

4.  Cut out as many teeth as you would like, and Glue them onto the pages.  Voila!

If you find any defaults, improvements, or have any feedback, please leave a comment.